Saturday, December 31, 2011

casting: It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World


It's A Mad,Mad,Mad,Mad,Mad World has been re-done several times but never the right way.

I am doing it theright way.With an all-star ensemble cast including small roles of big comedians.

after a fatal accident a dying man tells a group of people about $2,000,000 buried in loot at a park 700 miles away.
                                       THE RACE BEGINS.....

Cameo apperances:::::

AIRPORT TOWER OFFICER #1: thats what he is a tower officer

Jeff Foxworthy

AIRPORT TOWER OFFICER #2: thats want he is a tower officer

Billy Bob Thornton

GERTIE, THE TELEPHONE OPERATOR: an old woman at the police station

Lily Tomlin.

LT. MATTHEWS: a Lt. at the police station

John Slattery.

HUSBAND:a husband bringing home medicine to his wife.

Matthew Broderick


Steve Martin


Jim Carrey

TRAFFIC COP: traffic man at Santa Rosita

George Wendt

JIMMY THE CROOK: an old crook.

Dustin Hoffman

GARAGE STATION OWNERS: two men that own a garage station that gets destoyed

Bill Flagerbakke & Tom Kenny(SpongeBob & Patrick) 

MR. DINKLER:hardware store owner.

Ed Begley Jr.

FIRE CHIEF: fire chief that tries to rescue the group on the roof

Dana Carvey

BILLIE SUE(voice only): Culpeppers "6.5" daughter that he counsels over the phone.

Dakota Fanning

DETECTIVE #1: a detective at the scene of Slimers dying.

Fred Willard

DETECTIVE #2: secondary detective at Slimers death

Brad Garrett

SHERIFF: the Sheriff of the county that Slimer dies in

John Goodman

GINGER CULPEPPER(voice only): Culpeppers annoying voiced wife

Katey Sagal

THE MAYOR: mayor of Santa Rosita

Dennis Farina

OFFICIAL: man giving speech at construction site

Bill Murray

BIPLANE PILOT: a pilot wit ha charter plane from WWII, that gives the Crumps a lift

Michael McKean

SIR:man in a car that offers help but is turned down rudely by Mrs. Marcus.

Kelsey Grammer

Secondary characters:::::

SYLVESTERS GIRL: Sylvesters bikini wearing girlfriend

Bar Refaeli

COL. WILBURFORCE:a ditzy colonel that doesn't like technology

Chevy Chase

CAB DRIVER #1:a black cap driver

Danny Glover

CAB DRIVER #2: a cop-hating cab driver

Dennis Leary

SMILER GROGAN: an old con that has 2 million dollars in cash hiden at a park

Bob Newhart

CHIEF: Santa Rositas chief od police

Eugene Levy. 

TYLER FITZGERALD:a boozy pilot, that likes his liqour 

Alec Baldwin

Main characters::::::::::::

ALGERNON HAWTHORNE:an Englishman that was on an expedition that finds the Finch-Marcus party and helps them. drives an Ford Expedition

Hugh Laurie 

SYLVESTER MARCUS:over 40 and just moved away from home. a big momas-boy. drives a '80s convertible 

Will Ferrell

EMMELINE MARCUS-FINCH:Sylvesters sister and Russels younger wife

Nicholle Tom

OTTO MEYER: a man recently divorced and plans to take the money and buy women with it. drives a Mercury.

Dan Aykroyd

BENJY BENJAMIN: a short comedian, traveling with his friend Dingy; drives a mustang

Rick Moranis

DINGY BELL: a fat comdeian; riding with Benjy

Nathan Lane

LENNIE PIKE:a trucker

Jimmy Fallon.
MRS. MARCUS: a loud, overbearing, rude woman

Vicki Lawrence

MONICA CRUMP:Melvilles much young wife; pretty; the smartest one out of the bunch

Kelly Ripa

MELVILLE CRUMP: a dentist; not very common-sense wise but brain-smart; drives a dodge

Bill Engvall

J. RUSSELL FINCH: a man going through his mid-life crisis and wants to be rich

Ben Stiller.

The Star::::::::::::::::::::::

C.G. CULPEPPER:a police captian that hates his life, job, spouse and is about to retire; he knew about the Smiler case for 15 years. But if he were to find the money himself......

Robert Redford

Hope you enjoyed IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD

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