Saturday, December 31, 2011

casting: It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World


It's A Mad,Mad,Mad,Mad,Mad World has been re-done several times but never the right way.

I am doing it theright way.With an all-star ensemble cast including small roles of big comedians.

after a fatal accident a dying man tells a group of people about $2,000,000 buried in loot at a park 700 miles away.
                                       THE RACE BEGINS.....

Cameo apperances:::::

AIRPORT TOWER OFFICER #1: thats what he is a tower officer

Jeff Foxworthy

AIRPORT TOWER OFFICER #2: thats want he is a tower officer

Billy Bob Thornton

GERTIE, THE TELEPHONE OPERATOR: an old woman at the police station

Lily Tomlin.

LT. MATTHEWS: a Lt. at the police station

John Slattery.

HUSBAND:a husband bringing home medicine to his wife.

Matthew Broderick


Steve Martin


Jim Carrey

TRAFFIC COP: traffic man at Santa Rosita

George Wendt

JIMMY THE CROOK: an old crook.

Dustin Hoffman

GARAGE STATION OWNERS: two men that own a garage station that gets destoyed

Bill Flagerbakke & Tom Kenny(SpongeBob & Patrick) 

MR. DINKLER:hardware store owner.

Ed Begley Jr.

FIRE CHIEF: fire chief that tries to rescue the group on the roof

Dana Carvey

BILLIE SUE(voice only): Culpeppers "6.5" daughter that he counsels over the phone.

Dakota Fanning

DETECTIVE #1: a detective at the scene of Slimers dying.

Fred Willard

DETECTIVE #2: secondary detective at Slimers death

Brad Garrett

SHERIFF: the Sheriff of the county that Slimer dies in

John Goodman

GINGER CULPEPPER(voice only): Culpeppers annoying voiced wife

Katey Sagal

THE MAYOR: mayor of Santa Rosita

Dennis Farina

OFFICIAL: man giving speech at construction site

Bill Murray

BIPLANE PILOT: a pilot wit ha charter plane from WWII, that gives the Crumps a lift

Michael McKean

SIR:man in a car that offers help but is turned down rudely by Mrs. Marcus.

Kelsey Grammer

Secondary characters:::::

SYLVESTERS GIRL: Sylvesters bikini wearing girlfriend

Bar Refaeli

COL. WILBURFORCE:a ditzy colonel that doesn't like technology

Chevy Chase

CAB DRIVER #1:a black cap driver

Danny Glover

CAB DRIVER #2: a cop-hating cab driver

Dennis Leary

SMILER GROGAN: an old con that has 2 million dollars in cash hiden at a park

Bob Newhart

CHIEF: Santa Rositas chief od police

Eugene Levy. 

TYLER FITZGERALD:a boozy pilot, that likes his liqour 

Alec Baldwin

Main characters::::::::::::

ALGERNON HAWTHORNE:an Englishman that was on an expedition that finds the Finch-Marcus party and helps them. drives an Ford Expedition

Hugh Laurie 

SYLVESTER MARCUS:over 40 and just moved away from home. a big momas-boy. drives a '80s convertible 

Will Ferrell

EMMELINE MARCUS-FINCH:Sylvesters sister and Russels younger wife

Nicholle Tom

OTTO MEYER: a man recently divorced and plans to take the money and buy women with it. drives a Mercury.

Dan Aykroyd

BENJY BENJAMIN: a short comedian, traveling with his friend Dingy; drives a mustang

Rick Moranis

DINGY BELL: a fat comdeian; riding with Benjy

Nathan Lane

LENNIE PIKE:a trucker

Jimmy Fallon.
MRS. MARCUS: a loud, overbearing, rude woman

Vicki Lawrence

MONICA CRUMP:Melvilles much young wife; pretty; the smartest one out of the bunch

Kelly Ripa

MELVILLE CRUMP: a dentist; not very common-sense wise but brain-smart; drives a dodge

Bill Engvall

J. RUSSELL FINCH: a man going through his mid-life crisis and wants to be rich

Ben Stiller.

The Star::::::::::::::::::::::

C.G. CULPEPPER:a police captian that hates his life, job, spouse and is about to retire; he knew about the Smiler case for 15 years. But if he were to find the money himself......

Robert Redford

Hope you enjoyed IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD

casting: Raiders of the Lost Ark


Raiders of the Lost Ark.  Why this. well because I want to.

In the 1930's an adventurer named Indiana Jones is going on a hunt. A hunt for the Ark of The Covenant.

If the Nazis get it they will be invincible. Its up to Indiana to try and stop them...

SATIPO: one of Jones' guides through the South American jungle. He betrays Jones and steals the golden idol, but is killed by traps before he can leave the temple.

Ott Sepp. I dont really know who he is. just looked this up on the internet.

COL. DEITRICH: a ruthless Nazi officer leading the operation to secure the Ark. He is killed by the supernatural powers of the Ark.

Mathieu Amalric.James Bond villains vs. Indy villians

DR. MARCUS BRODY: museum curator, who buys the artifacts Indiana obtains for display in his museum. The U.S. government agents approach him with regard to recovering the Ark, and he sets up a meeting between them and Indiana Jones.

David McCallum. he is a good choice I think

SALLAH:the best digger in Cairo and has been hired by the Nazis to help them excavate Tanis. Although he fears disturbing the Ark, he is an old friend of Indiana Jones, and agrees to help him obtain it.

Naveen Andrews

ARNOLD TOHT:an interrogator, who tries to torture Marion Ravenwood for the headpiece of the Staff of Ra. He dies by the supernatural powers of the Ark when his face melts.

Toby Jones. there is something about him that is creepy to me.

RENEE BELLOQ: Jones' arch nemesis, Belloq is also an archaeologist after the Ark, but he is working for the Nazis. He intends to harness the power of the Ark himself before Hitler could, but he is killed by the supernatural powers of the Ark when his head explodes.

Vincent Cassel. charming and deadly at the same time.

MARION RAVENWOOD: a spirited, tough former lover of Indiana's. She is the daughter of Abner Ravenwood, Indiana Jones' mentor, and owns a bar in Nepal.

Jessica Biel

INDIANA JONES: an archeologist professor who often embarks on perilous adventures to obtain rare artifacts. Jones claims that he has no belief in the supernatural, only to have his skepticism challenged when he discovers the Ark.

Bradley Cooper.

There it is Raiders of the Lost Ark

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